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InANutshell is an educational YouTube channel that aims to enhance general knowledge about important concepts, events, and personalities in history through light-hearted short animation.  These videos have received over one million views and are only gaining momentum in interest and exposure.

Sign up for our competition !


  • Is there is a subject that you know well and can distill?

  • Do you have a desire to see your script come to life?

  • Can you fly a helicopter?

If you’ve answered “yes” to two or more of these questions, then

We Are Looking For YOU!

!We are looking for the next winning script

!Guidelines for the Winning Script

What are we looking for

-Length: 250 words up to 350 words

-Target Audience: Age 12 and Up

- Language: English

-Writing Style: Informative, light, fun.

-Topic: An event, personality, or concept that will help children succeed in exams, help people feel smart, impress their date, win bets, or beat others at trivia!

!Submit Your Script Until March 15, 2017

?So How Do You Win

תגדירו תסריט טוב
במה זוכים?

?What can you win

1st prize - $300 Amazon gift card

2nd prize - $200 Amazon gift card

3rd prize - $100 Amazon gift card 

In addition, the winning script will be produced into an animated film made by the popular InANutshell channel and you will win worldwide fame!

צרו קשר

Coming soon: Animated Storyboard Competition

If you are a director or animator, you probably already know that animation is world unto itself. Usually people are not often aware of the distinction between directing animation and being a director. As a film or television director, you probably already realize that animation opens up new worlds in cinema.


So if you know how to make a storyboard, you are welcome to send us an email with the heading "Interested in Storyboard Competition" and as soon as the competition goes ahead, we will be happy to inform you with the details.

בקרוב: בימוי אנימציה
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